
Engineering and construction (E&C) is one of the largest industries in the world, and yet, it has been one of the slowest to embrace digital change. The entire ecosystem represents 13% of global GDP, but the industry has seen meager productivity growth of 1% annually for the past two decades—and this is where disruptive technologies Read more

AB&I Foundry, in celebration of women in engineering, manufacturing and the skilled trades, has developed an iron woman character named “Rose.” The foundry has had a long history with their iron man character who is a big burly man. It was time for the company to feature a female character. The new Iron Woman pays Read more

It’s good to be in favor with a design professional; especially if you introduce them to a technology that gives them an edge in design. I found great success over the years and working closely with architectural and engineering firms and sharing information freely that can help him to improve building design. It’s been a Read more

Report developed with Dr. Freihaut of The Pennsylvania State University identifies a holistic approach as key to building transformation that revolutionizes energy productivity and economic growth Danfoss, a leading manufacturer of high-efficiency electronic and mechanical components and controls for air-conditioning, heating, refrigeration, industrial, and water systems, today published a report on making the buildings-energy equation Read more

Chicago — The American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) announced the appointment of William M. Smith, FASPE, as the Society’s new executive director/CEO. Smith joined the ASPE staff last year as the Society’s Senior Director of Technical and Regulatory Affairs, serving as the Society’s main liaison with the plumbing industry’s code writing and standards developing Read more