When you think of energy efficiency in commercial buildings, don’t just think latest trend , think of it as a strategic approach that can significantly reduce costs for any business. And also improve working conditions so whether it is upgrading lighting systems or integrating smart thermostats, there are many ways to reduce energy consumption. HVLS Read more
Commercial building
Propane provides a versatile, efficient water heating solution for any size building Water heating can account for up to a quarter of all energy use in some commercial buildings. And because nearly 80 percent of water heating energy use occurs in buildings built before 2000, replacing outdated systems with newer, high-efficiency water heating technology can Read more
Describes Advantages and Capabilities of CPVC Piping Systems The Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. (PPI), has published a new guide related to the use of CPVC piping systems in commercial buildings. Available on PPI’s website, TN-62 “Suitability and Fitness of CPVC Piping Systems for Commercial Building Applications” describes material advantages and capabilities that should be considered Read more