Inline Press Tool Design for the win

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My first press tool was corded and weighed twelve billion pounds (that’s like 467 metric tons, Canada). Since that first tool I have owned multiple press tools, all cordless but different makes, models and manufacturers.

Prior to the inline models [we’ve had now for a few years] were the typical pistol grip style. I’ve probably pressed 20K fittings, who knows but, I can tell you for sure that gun style press tools present an access issue many times throughout a week or even multiple times throughout a single job. It’s not that they’re an inferior tool or design but simply do not fit well in tight spaces. That’s fine for, let’s say, 50% of the time (?). But it’s that other half where tight access does not allow the tool to fit where its needed, even with the swivel rings, that the inline tool is worth its weight in gold.

This particular job was a tight squeeze for a couple joints. A heating line was leaking over a tuck-under garage and ruined the Sheetrock. We arrived to find a haphazard demo of the area that made finding the leak quick and simple. As you’ll see in the last pic, there’s no way we would’ve been able to press a couple of those joints with our gun style press tool, there was not enough space .

We got more than the normal amount of calls this week for water leaks. Business is good I guess.
Tool pictured: Milwaukee M18 ForceLogic Brushless press tool with copper tubing jaw set. Model #2773-22

This particular press tool is the first brushless model on the market. When talking press tools brushless motors increase the speed, power management issues benefit and overall size and weight is decreased. The value of brushless technology for press tools is significant. This model boasts performance ratings that place it in the fastest, lightest and most powerful categories currently.





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