8 Ways Your Construction Company Can Make Extra Money

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Building might be your bread and butter, but in the course of your construction work, there are ample opportunities for you to make extra money on the side to pad out those profits, as you will see below…

  1. Recycle Like a Rockstar

Let’s start by talking trash—specifically, metal trash. Those scraps from your job sites? They’re not just annoying debris; they’re potential gold mines. Metal recycling isn’t just good for the Earth—it can be great for your wallet too. Copper, aluminum, and steel can all fetch a pretty penny. Think of it as getting paid to clean up after yourself. It’s like your mom handing you a twenty every time you tidy your room—only better.

  1. Rent Out the Big Toys

If you’ve got tons of industrial equipment, and as a construction company you probably will, then there will be tons of people, whether they are smaller companies, or individuals renovating their homes, who would love to get their hands on them. So, why not rent out your tools and equipment on weekends or between jobs to make a little extra?

  1. Offer Mini-Courses

You and your crew have skills. Serious skills. Why not share the wealth (literally and figuratively)? Offering workshops or courses on basic building skills, like laying tile or basic carpentry, can not only bring in extra cash but also help you scout potential new hires in the process. It’s community building and profit making at the same time!

  1. Maintenance Contracts

You’ve built it, but who’s going to maintain it? Offer maintenance packages for projects you’ve completed. Many building owners would love to have the peace of mind that comes with knowing the original builders are keeping an eye on things. It’s like a warranty service but more hands-on and with a personal touch.

  1. Get Into the Flip Game

If you’re already building from scratch, why not try your hand at flipping? Buy some underloved properties, work your magic, and sell them at a profit. It combines your expertise with a bit of market savvy. Plus, it’s pretty satisfying to see a before and after that you made happen (and that pads your account).

  1. Specialize and Certify

Specialization can be key to higher profit margins. Whether it’s eco-friendly construction, historical restorations, or smart homes, being known for a niche can allow you to charge premium prices. And don’t just be good at it—get certified. Certifications can justify higher fees and build trust with your clients.

  1. Expand Your Horizons

Literally. Consider taking on projects in nearby towns or cities if your local market is saturated. Expanding your geographic reach can tap into new markets and client bases. Just be sure to do your homework on local regulations and building codes.

  1. Upcycle and Upsell

Finally, take a cue from the recycling tip but apply it to leftover materials. Create unique, upcycled products like furniture or decorative pieces from leftover materials. It’s sustainable and chic. Sell these pieces directly to consumers or at local markets.

Your building company doesn’t just have to stick to the blueprint. With a little creativity and business savvy, there are plenty of opportunities to build extra revenue streams to be explored.

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