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“PVC & Plastics” recip blade from @diablo_tools

Would you buy a recip blade made specifically for cutting plastic pipe?

The science behind it, the reason it cuts fast (and cleaner btw) is how the teeth shed the loose material faster and efficiently. A typical metal cutting blade has small teeth, close together which is great for metal but not plastic. With metal blades the plastic can “clog” the blade/cut.

I’ve even seen large pipe, like 10” sch 40 melt to itself after cut because of the heat and material in the cut from a metal cutting blade.

Would you buy the new Diablo blade?

This was at @worldofconcreteshow

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You got this 🤣

🎥: @forepadofficial

472 2

After-hours pro move right there ...

100 10

Nothing to see here 😉

I bought the field piece clamps. They’re nice but the app sucks for simple temp readings, deta-t etc unless you’re doing AC measurements.

Testo’s clamps are kinda lame to be tbh 🤪 but the simple delta-t calc and display in the app is better than Fieldpiece’s

In the end this is a simple thing to do while you’re picking up and running the newly commissioned system. Pump settings can cover a wide range of performance needs but they can only perform along the “system curve” and finding the right pump setting is important.

#auneplumbing #mechanicalhub #viessmann #hydronicheating #hvac #worldplumbers

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Friday Funk: Jazz Hands

Have a great weekend everyone!

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What the heck is a PT valve? Our friend @bobhotrodrohr explains. For the full video and other nuggets, check out the link in bio.

#plumbingperspective #plumbing #hydronicheating #Hydronics #HeatingAndCooling #HVAC #waterpressure #ptvalve
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In the “pinto bean capitol of the world,” the Dove Creek, Colorado, school made a significant HVAC upgrade. The 1950s-era building was just too small, and the heating system was uncomfortable and inefficient. Cooling, if it could be called that, was only provided in a few specific areas.

Neenan Archistruction, out of Fort Collins, Colo., was the architect and general contractor for the project. Their work includes a plethora of design-build educational projects. Neenan brought on Comfort Air Mechanical Inc. to design and install the HVAC system for the 30,000-sq.-ft. project. The result was a mechanical system based on Fujitsu’s new AIRSTAGE VU-V three-phase VRF equipment. Read more in bio.

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Going to AHR next week? Be sure to check out the AI & Plumbing seminar we will be moderating with special guests Susan Frew, John Mullen & Mary-Anne Bowcott Monday at 11 am ET in Room W314.
Here is a sneak peek as John & Susan recently jumped on the AfC podcast. To listen, link in bio.
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Monday Minute: VIPs

Five members of the Steamfitters Local 602 and Plumbers and Gasfitters Local 5 died on that fateful American flight last week. God rest all souls aboard.
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