The Week in Review is a recap of the week — what’s trending, what’s breaking the internet on social, and what we’ve been up to. We’ll try our best to keep you up to date with the industry, social media and our travels.
Thompson Family Plumbing’s John Thompson (l) and the Hub’s Tim Ward at the SWE event in Vegas.
This past week the Mechanical Hub was at the 4th Annual Service World Expo in Las Vegas this week. #SWE2019 is a great event for HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, and Remodeling contractors to learn about business insights, marketing strategies, and moneymaking practices. The breakout sessions and trade show provided thousands of contractors all the info they needed to maximize their business focus.

2. Had some interesting discussions on our Facebook private group Trade Talk — Mechanical Hub regarding promoting the skilled trades. I posed the question, “What are some of the biggest “selling” points you would share with a person deciding a career path, and considering the trades?”
The answers were right on:
- “Trade schools are much quicker and cheaper than any 4-year college. Large demand for workers in trades. — Jay Parham, service tech, Hans Heating and Air.
- “When you graduate college or university it will be hard to find a job, and you will finish being thousands in debt. With a trade you can be working while going through school and have good paying job when you graduate. Also, most companies will pay your way through school. As well the government gives you grants where I live. Really, it’s a no brainer.” — Jim Roberts, transitioning between jobs.
- “It has to be stated that going into the trades is NOT about not being academically inclined or not, nor does it make one any less than than a person who chooses college. It is a path of equal and sometimes greater value and utility. It is more about application and getting immediate use and feedback from what you learned the day before.
“I have learned a lot more from pipe fitters about metallurgy, pipe stress, deflection, and anchor forces than I have from fellow engineers. They make me a better designer and engineer to this day.
“The trades are NOT a lesser path, but a different path that makes useful and enduring things, most unseen but nevertheless appreciated. — Brad White, mechanical discipline lead for Arora Engineers Inc.’s Boston office. - “You can become your own boss, live the American dream and retire financially secure.” — Dave Yates, F.W. Behler.
- “Quoting an uncle who was a master carpenter: ‘A good mechanic will never be unemployed unless he wants to be.’ I’ve never been unemployed in 63 years.” — Dennis Treacy
- “Something I used to tell my guys was to fit the job to your personality. I like tools, tangible results to physical problems, working with my hands, being independent, not staying in one place too long, so a service plumber fits my personality but a rough-in plumber would not. — Ben Kohn, CEO & Founder of From Sinks to Sewers.
- “Not just taught a single skill but a life skill. With many opportunities and ability to do things yourself at home.” — Jason Ridgeway, Ridgeway Home Services
- As my grandmother advised me, learn a trade then get a profession. You’ll never be out of work. Of course my trade became my profession!! I’ve never been unemployed! — Steve ‘Wheels’ Wieland.
Check out more great stuff on the page:
3. With all of the craziness going on with the government—from impeachment inquiries to unrest in the Middle East, perhaps some better news. PMI says the EPA’s long-awaited proposed revisions to lead and Copper Rule an important step forward.
The proposed rule represents the first major overhaul of federal protections for lead in drinking water in two decades. The rule would require community water systems to take new actions regarding lead service line replacement, corrosion control, sampling, and testing for lead in schools and day care centers.
4. Navien’s Big Reveal — The Hub traveled to SoCal last week to learn of some exciting things going on at Navien. We told you then that Navien had a big announcement. Well, here it is:
5. Finally, the ProStaff team has been busy testing products and tools; the Hub’s Eric Aune reviews the Neutra-Safe’s Condensate Neutralizer Pump NSP-50. Check it out: