The world of contractors and the building industry has endured a rocky start to 2022. There’s a lot going on around the world that’s impacted things in a relatively negative way. If you’re currently running a business, don’t be surprised if you experience slower progress than usual. You’ve got lots of struggles to fight against, but it can be useful to know what to do to combat them.
As a starting point, you need to know what these big struggles are. From here, you can find the solutions to deal with them as best as you can!

A lack of materials/parts
The whole premise of being a building contractor means you need materials and parts to actually build things for clients. So, it’s difficult to do your job if you don’t have access to a lot of the materials you require. Things like steel and lumbar are in low supply due to various circumstances – like the war in Ukraine and coronavirus.
A possible way to get around this is by switching up your suppliers. As loyal as you have been to suppliers over the years, it is impossible to conduct your business if they no longer have the materials for you. Instead, opting for more local companies like Butler Building could be beneficial. Getting your supplies from a North American supplier means you don’t have to worry about things like international transportation, border controls, and so on.
High prices for materials
In turn, the high prices for materials will mean you have to start charging more money to your clients. As a result, this can price some people out of your services, making it harder for you to find regular clients.
In all honesty, this is one of the hardest things to deal with as you have no control over the industry prices. Again, the only thing you can try is finding a new supplier with better prices, letting you keep your rates at a reasonable price for clients. Alternatively, look at other aspects of your business to save money, allowing you to keep your costs down low.
A lack of workers
Yes, the construction industry is struggling with people not wanting to work these jobs anymore. Or, you have workers or contractors, but they are taking lots of time off because they get sick with the coronavirus. Without many people on your team, it is harder for you to complete projects.
The only way around this is by improving your hiring process and searching far and wide for viable workers. You should also boost the employee benefits that you give out – make people want to work for your company because they are paid well and given lots of additional incentives.
It’s no secret that being a building contractor is harder now than ever before. However, there is hope on the horizon. If you can find ways of dealing with these struggles and pushing through 2022 and the next few months, you should come out the other side in a good place. Things will not be like this forever – you just need to cope while you can.
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