When you first start hiring staff, you may find that it’s quite hard to keep them on board. Start ups tend to have a high staff turnover for a number of reasons. More often than not, a lot of the issues that employees find with working for a start up boil down to the business Read more

The world of contractors and the building industry has endured a rocky start to 2022. There’s a lot going on around the world that’s impacted things in a relatively negative way. If you’re currently running a business, don’t be surprised if you experience slower progress than usual. You’ve got lots of struggles to fight against Read more

If you’re like many other business owners in the trades, you know that recruiting is a constant challenge. In fact, for some businesses, recruiting and keeping talent is the top issue in the company! Finding people to maintain your company’s current size or to grow is vital; after all, even if your company is overwhelmed Read more

Diversity is a word thrown around quite a bit lately. But, what does it mean? Diversity is “the practice of including and involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.” The definition is clear. However, many wonder why diversity is imperative, particularly in a workplace Read more

Plumbers, heating and ventilating engineers, bricklayers, painters and decorators are just a few of the trades that the UK relies on, but a new report has revealed a decline in the number of workers in these trades. The trade trends report 2021 released by Skills Training Group has analyzed 16 years worth of data from the Office for Read more