The United States is home to nearly 15,000 water treatment facilities. If you work in the water treatment sector, then staying on the cutting edge on the changes happening in this industry is crucial. The more you know about the coming changes and opportunities in the world of water treatment, the easier it will be Read more
Alexandria, Va. — Today marked the release of a new comprehensive report from the Water Environment Federation (WEF) that details the challenges, opportunities, and pathways to improving the nation’s stormwater systems. The release of Rainfall to results: The future of stormwater at WEFTEC 2015 in Chicago coincided with the official launch of the WEF Stormwater Read more
Chicago — The American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) has released two new draft standards for public review. ARCSA/ASPE 78: Stormwater Harvesting System Design for Direct End-Use Applications, developed with the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association, covers onsite, single-property stormwater catchment systems that collect and use precipitation or rain from non-rooftop and other impervious surfaces Read more
Atlanta — When the first edition of the “ASHRAE GreenGuide” was first published 10 years ago, guidance on how practice green building design was not so readily available. “Since 2004, the industry has witnessed the continued evolution of green building programs from strictly voluntary to being both more in the industry mainstream as well as Read more
Alexandria, Va. — The Water Environment Federation (WEF) applauds Sen. Tom Udall (NM) and Rep. Donna Edwards (MD) for introducing the Innovative Stormwater Infrastructure Act of 2013, which will provide essential tools for communities looking at investing in advanced stormwater strategies to manage polluted runoff and protect clean water. Introduced this morning, the Senate (Udall) Read more