
Glen Ellyn, Ill. – The Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association (PPFA) is proud to celebrate its 40th year as the acknowledged leader in the industry supplying plastic pipe for the built environment. In an era when technological and economic breakthroughs are constantly reshaping the industry, PPFA has remained the voice for the sustainable manufacture and Read more

While the commercial industry is seeing a growing interest in the use of PEX for hydronic heating and chilled water applications, some professionals are still skeptical that a plastic piping system can actually perform as well as traditional copper and steel. Let’s turn some of that skepticism into knowledge by answering some of the most Read more

When it comes to new piping technologies that some say are ‘degrading’ the trade, is it the product that’s causing a reduction in skilled labor? Or is it the lack of skilled labor that’s moving the plumbing and heating industry towards faster, simpler products? I’ll admit, when I was first handed a piece of PEX Read more

Aquatherm North America is pleased to announce Larry Hope has joined the polypropylene piping company as an Area Manager covering Alberta, Canada. A part of the plumbing and heating wholesale industry for almost 20 years at the Red Deer, AB, branches of Crane Supply and the Westlund division of EMCO Corp., Hope has worked with Read more

Quickly diagnosis the problem. With instant start-up for scanning large areas and the ability to give high resolution images with precise single spot measurements, the new Imager is ideal for fast and accurate troubleshooting. Exclusive DUAL SENSE™ technology allows the Imager to individually optimize pixels to eliminate the blurring of hot and cold details in Read more