Hiller Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electrical (Hiller), the region’s premier provider of residential and commercial service and repair, is proud to announce a three-year, multi-faceted partnership with Middle Tennessee State University Athletics (MTSU). Middle Tennessee State University, originally founded in 1911 as a two-year program for teachers as Middle Tennessee State Normal School, was designated Read more
By Ashley Luke Small businesses are big. Today, there are more than 33.2 million small businesses in the United States and 19% of them are family owned. Many of them operate in the trade industries—construction, plumbing, electrical, painting and more. They employ mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and cousins, often through multiple generations, and share decades Read more
Like many others in the plumbing industry, Chase Wenger started out on the weekends helping his dad, who is co-owner (with Chase’s uncle) of C.V. Wenger Inc., Chambersburg, Pa. “When I was a kid, I hated cleaning the house so I would leap at any chance to go to work with my dad. We’d stop for Read more
Emerson’s new ratchet cutter line from Greenlee offers up to a 35% reduction in peak energy Greenlee, part of Emerson’s professional tools portfolio, introduces their complete line of high-performance Ratchet Cable and ACSR Cutters with up to 35% reduction in peak energy when cutting copper in comparison to a manual cutter. The line includes five Read more
Second-annual grant program helps launch, grow, and strengthen home service businesses across the U.S. and Canada Jobber, the leading provider of home service management software, today announced that Jobber Grants, the first program of its kind designed to support and shine a spotlight on the hard-working entrepreneurs within the home service sector, is now accepting Read more