Customer Service

Competition is essential for business, but it can make life challenging for company owners. In this article, we’ll discuss ways to give your business a competitive edge and encourage customers and clients to choose you.  Increasing efficiency Customers today have high expectations. We live in a world where it’s possible to do almost anything at Read more

The son of an arcade owner, you could say that business ran in his blood. Born into an entrepreneurial family, Terence Chan (@the_impetus), owner, Impetus Plumbing and Heating LTD, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, practices networking and customer service daily to grow his business. But it didn’t come easy, at first. With a goal of becoming Read more

When working on a project, the relationship between clients and contractors can take many forms. Some clients want to be integral in the work, while others stay back. When a client-contractor relationship is difficult, it can cause several problems in the work itself. The whole experience can be made unnecessarily complicated when a contractor has Read more

If you’re looking to get your new business off the ground, making a good first impression is paramount. This way, you’ll get more referrals, positive reviews, and hopefully even repeat business. There are several factors you need to focus on. Providing a quality service is one of them, but you also need to optimize your Read more

Looking after any kind of building contractor business means that you need to provide the best possible service to your clients at all times. There are a lot of things that you need to take on board in order to achieve this, and as long as you do you will find that your business has Read more