The Pit Bull® 26 fusion machine from McElroy has been unleashed. The machine can fuse a variety of polypropylene-random (PP-R) pipe sizes, and is ideal for the popular 160mm (6-inch) PP-R piping size.
The Pit Bull 26 is designed to provide contractors a go-to machine for their day-to-day PP-R butt fusion operations. The design of the machine is similar to one of McElroy’s best-selling machines for the polyethylene pipe industry, the Pit Bull® 14. The machine can also butt fuse pipes from 63mm to 160mm (2- to 6-inches).
“We are a customer-centric company. We knew from market feedback that we had to provide our customers with a great fusion machine designed for the demands of this pipe size range,” said Chip McElroy, president of McElroy.
McElroy’s Pit Bull 26 incorporates the company’s patented Centerline Guidance System, a semi-automatic locking cam, hard anodized aluminum wear surfaces for corrosion resistance and thrust-bearing-equipped clamp knobs that minimize the torque required to clamp and round the pipe for fusion operations. The unit can also fit on McElroy’s Manual Fusion Machine Stand to bring the process to a more comfortable height for the operator.
McElroy envisions this machine being popular for use in potable water applications, compressed air systems, hydronic heating, chilled water, recycled and reclaimed water applications, rainwater collection and irrigation, industrial applications, chemical transport and fire-suppression systems.
McElroy offers a convenient “PPR Kit” that features a Pit Bull 26 fusion machine and convenient machine stand, 160mm inserts, knife-edge jaw kit, torque wrench and torque wrench adapter.
For more information, visit the McElroy website at
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