The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) invites you to attend The 26th Annual Energy Fair the weekend of June 19-21, 2015, in Custer, Wis..
The Energy Fair is the nation’s longest running event of its kind, featuring 250+ renewable energy and sustainable living workshops, exhibitors, keynote speakers, and family friendly activities. Join the 15,000 attendees who converge to learn, connect, and prepare to take action at home.
Solar professionals can earn NABCEP credits in 18 free workshops at the Fair. View the Pre-Fair Guide for the lineup of workshops, speakers, and entertainment.
Join us at The Energy Fair, June 19-21! Come visit our booth, and earn NABCEP credits in 18 free workshops at the Fair.
Visit our booth at @TheEnergyFair June 19-21, feat 200+ exhibitors and workshops.
Earn @NABCEP credits in 18 free workshops at @TheEnergyFair, June 19-21.
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