Cold Climate HVAC Conference Advances Building Research and Design

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Atlanta — Papers providing an international perspective on the current state of design and practice of buildings in cold climates will be presented at the 7th International Cold Climate HVAC Conference, Nov.  12-14, 2012, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

ASHRAE is hosting and organizing the conference with support from the Federation of European Heating and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA), a co-sponsor, and the Scandinavian Federation of Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering Associations (SCANVAC), the conference originator.  This is the first time the conference is being held in North America.

The conference features keynote speakers, technical tours and social programs, and a technical program with some 55 papers organized on the following topics: Building Envelope, Ventilation Applications, Vacuum Insulation Panels and Phase Change Materials, Air Cleaning Technologies, Ventilation and IAQ, Codes and Standards, HVAC Systems and Equipment, Big Building Applications, Wind, Stack and Envelope Airtightness and Alternate Energy Sources and Generation.

The papers cover a number of different applications, including office buildings, hospitals, laboratories, shopping malls, oil and gas facilities, supermarkets, schools and houses and present practices in Sweden, China, Canada, Russia, Greenland and South Korea, among other countries.

Similarly, the range of papers address moisture conditions in exterior walls; exterior insulation envelope retrofits in sub-arctic environments; field studies of displacement ventilation in Canadian schools; energy performance and IAQ in Greenland; run-around energy recovery systems in cold climate zones; case study of typical Canadian high arctic construction; energy derived from wastewater; new approach to mechanical insulation; integration of energy efficient technologies in arctic communities; high performance laboratory design for sub-arctic conditions; solar-assisted heat pump system; cogeneration with absorption heat pump for district heating; and a 600 Kw bio-mass power plant.

The conference concludes with a planning session seeking attendees’ comments and insight on the development of a new ASHRAE Cold Climate Design Guide.

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