Jay Peters
This week it was announced that ICC-ES filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against IAPMO to stop what ICC purports to be an unauthorized use of ICC-ES materials and its knowing infringement of ICC-ES copyrights. IAPMO states that ICC’s accusations are unwarranted and their IAPMO UES stands Read more
One of my all time favorite sayings used to hang on my wall and sparked me into action on those days I was dragging or feeling like I could put something off for another day. Although not exact, and citing from memory, it went something like this, “Every day in Africa, a gazelle wakes up Read more
The world of separation, relating to hydronics continues to evolve and expand. Most hydronic and HVAC contractors understand the importance of air and dirt separation. They understand the need to keep high performance equipment operating at peak efficiencies Read more
Anyone who has paid even the slightest bit of attention to current industry trends has heard of dry drains, low-flow problems, and the issues occurring in building drainage systems as well as local sewers due to the lack of water flow. Of course, it is important to save water, but at what cost to the Read more