Chicago — The American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) announced the appointment of William M. Smith, FASPE, as the Society’s new executive director/CEO. Smith joined the ASPE staff last year as the Society’s Senior Director of Technical and Regulatory Affairs, serving as the Society’s main liaison with the plumbing industry’s code writing and standards developing organizations. In his new role, Smith will be responsible for the administration, management, and financial operations of the Society, as well as implementing the policies and procedures established by the ASPE Board of Directors. He will provide professional administrative and management support and financial expertise to ASPE’s local Chapters and for all Society activities and programs. In addition, Smith will continue to represent the interests of ASPE and the plumbing engineering community in code and standards activities as well as serve as a technical resource for the ASPE staff and membership. He will continue to build and maintain relationships with other industry organizations to ensure that the public’s heath and safety are kept at the forefront of legislation and regulations regarding plumbing system design, installation, inspection, and maintenance.
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