Inspired by watching “Tiny Home” shows on TV lately, Bob “Hot Rod” Rohr has embarked on a new adventure—tiny home building. “They looked to be a fun, bite-sized project for my weekends and evenings, and as I watched the shows and searched the online communities, I noticed there was not much focus on the plumbing Read more
solar pv
Particular care needs to be taken when piping a radiant system. This same care should be taken when securing wires on a PV system, but it often is not. One of my favorite things to check out on The Hub, is when John and Eric show these horrible examples of what not to do. I Read more
If you’ve been at all interested in solar PV power generation and storage for residential use you may have heard of the latest entry into the already clogged market of battery storage by none other than the wildly successful electric car manufacturer and partner to SpaceX, Tesla. On Thursday, April 28th Tesla officially announced the Read more
Each year, The Solar Foundation releases a solar job study. Each year, the amount of people working in the solar industry keeps getting more and more impressive. The solar energy industry is the fastest growing industry in the United States, through jobs in the trades. Electricians, construction workers, welders and plumbers, all play key roles Read more