
Bio Bidet by Bemis, a leading manufacturer and retailer of bidet toilet seats and attachments, today announced findings from its 2024 survey, opening the lid on rising consumer sentiment around bidets. The holiday equals bidets for more consumers The survey found that overall bidet sentiment and popularity continues to increase — just in time for Read more

Everyone has their ideas to overcome the space issues in their small bathrooms. However, most of them are limited to the traditional concept of adding some cabinets or counters to organize the bathroom stuff. These options do increase the storage but wreak havoc on the visual appeal and hinder the airflow in your small bathroom Read more

Most Americans seek out – and spend more – at businesses with good bathrooms while canceling businesses with messy ones Businesses that fail to keep their restrooms clean and maintained are unwittingly flushing away customers’ repeat business and sales. According to the Healthy Handwashing Survey™ from Bradley Corporation, almost 60% of Americans make it a point to Read more

When looking to increase their home’s value, people often focus on cosmetic updates. They prioritize things like repainting the walls or replacing countertops with new, shiny ones. While these improvements are nice to have, they’re often not worth the cost or hassle. Focusing on your strategic home improvement projects can help increase your home value Read more

Located in Huntsville, Alabama, this warehouse will house high-volume STERLING Vikrell bathing and showering fixtures to meet growing U.S. demand Kohler Co., a global leader in kitchen and bath products, opened a state-of-the-art warehouse in Huntsville, Alabama, to support growing customer demand for its high-volume STERLING Vikrell bath and shower fixtures. This greenfield build comprises Read more