featured Tools & Tiaras Inc. in a unique episode of their Trade Life Series focusing on teaching girls about the trades through a one-week summer camp program.
Melville, N.Y. —, an e-commerce company that sells plumbing, heating, and HVAC supplies featured Tools & Tiaras Inc. in their recent Trade Life video series. Tools & Tiaras Inc. is a non-profit organization that teaches girls about plumbing, electrical, architecture and iron working during their yearly one-week summer camp program in New York City.’s Trade Life series shares contractor’s stories in effort to champion tradespeople. When came across Tools & Tiara’s story—they knew it was a perfect fit. “We were really excited about Tools & Tiaras because it checked all our boxes,” said Emily Rosa, Videographer. “Trade Life videos showcase stories of people that impact the trades and their communities. Trade education as a whole is important; but what stood out to us is that Judaline is a female plumber teaching young girls the notion that they can work in this male-dominated industry,” Rosa continued.
Judaline Cassidy, the NYC Plumber behind Tools & Tiaras Inc., recognized early in her career that women make up a small percentage of trades professionals. It became her passion to break gender stereotypes and teach girls about the trades. “It was difficult back then getting in [to the trades] and it’s still difficult now… as a woman, you have to work twice as hard, and as a black woman thrice as hard because the odds are against you,” said Cassidy. “People look at you and they already put you in a box,” she continued.
As a plumber and mentor Cassidy works hard to ensure that girls recognize the trades as a viable option for when they enter the work force. This is why was proud to feature her story in their most recent Trade Life video.