
The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) invites you to attend The 26th Annual Energy Fair the weekend of June 19-21, 2015, in Custer, Wis.. The Energy Fair is the nation’s longest running event of its kind, featuring 250+ renewable energy and sustainable living workshops, exhibitors, keynote speakers, and family friendly activities. Join the 15,000 attendees Read more

The Energy Department today announced $13 million in funding to help communities across the country reduce market and policy barriers to solar deployment and recognize communities for taking the initiative to go solar. This investment will make it faster, cheaper, and easier for Americans to install affordable solar energy systems and spur solar deployment nationwide Read more

The Massachusetts House of Representatives passed a comprehensive renewable thermal energy bill that will promote the use of clean renewable fuels and technologies to heat and cool buildings. Passed unanimously by the Massachusetts Senate on June 19, the bill is expected to be signed by Gov. Deval Patrick (D) within the next 10 days. It Read more

A primer on geothermal incentives What do you know about incentives for geothermal HVAC systems? You are going to be surprised. Here are some possible benefits you may be able tap into: Residential – Federal tax credit of 30%, uncapped Commercial – Federal tax credit of 10%, uncapped Maximum Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) – Read more