Johnson Controls has released the newest addition to their premium line of residential systems, the YORK® Affinity™ Series YZT two-stage Heat Pump. The ENERGY STAR® rated heat pump delivers advanced efficiencies and smart home capabilities. The 19 SEER, 10.0 HSPF efficiency can save homeowner’s up to 47 percent on energy use. Even greater efficiency can Read more

The Brute FT® Wall Hung is a combination (Combi) heating and domestic hot water or heating only wall-mounted boiler that efficiently meets the space heating and hot water needs of today’s modern homes. Offering your customers an integrated control system with an outdoor reset and built-in gas leak detection, the ENERGY STAR® Brute FT® Wall Read more
Carrier is proud to announce that the Côr thermostat has reached an important milestone by receiving the coveted ENERGY STAR certification, and was among the first thermostats to receive the certification. Carrier, a world leader in high-technology heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions, is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp Read more

The importance of water conservation has never been more important, as large sections of the country face alarming droughts and water shortages. It has been stated that an average family of four will waste 12,000 gallons of water a year due to the unnecessary wait for hot water. Navien, of Irvine, California, has addressed this Read more

The 340H Series tankless water heater is proof of A.O. Smith’s dedication to quality and efficiency. The 340H delivers a endless flow of hot water and takes up little space unlike conventional water heaters. The ATI-340H-N tankless water heater uses up to 180,000 BTUs of natural gas to deliver a max flow rate of 6.6 Read more