The Society of Plastics Engineers—SPE—Plastic Pipe Conference being held outside of Philadelphia, April 16 and 17, 2019, will have 23 technical and case history presentations focusing on water, sewer and gas system applications plus new developments in areas such as composite plastic pipe.
“The Plastic Pipe in Infrastructure and Industrial Applications Conference has distinct programs for each of the two days,” stated Conference Chair, Jim Mason of Mason Materials Development, LLC (Wyomissing, Pa). “The first day will have scientific and engineering papers on plastics pipe resins and compounds, pipe test methods, design, and analysis. The second day will be devoted to applications, case studies, project reviews, failure analyses, and other more applied content relevant to a broad range of professionals. Another goal of the conference is to demonstrate how plastic pipe cuts costs, reduces failures and provides a sustainable, long-life system.”
Continuing education content is designed for civil, environmental, and mechanical engineers, and technicians and managers, involved in the design, specification, construction, and operation of plastic piping systems. “As they work for municipalities, public utilities, chemical plants, government regulation bodies, and engineering firms,” Mason explained, ”they need Professional Development Hours (PDH) to keep their licenses and certifications.
“Additionally, this conference will help and project managers in water, sewer, gas utilities, polymer application engineers, even government leaders feel comfortable choosing plastic pipe for use in their systems.”
Being held at the Philadelphia Marriott West (West Conshohocken, PA) the SPE Plastic Pipe Conference will also have two days of networking and exhibits.
According to Sarah Patterson, one of the SPE presenters, “SPE has constructed the program for anyone wanting to learn about the latest in pipe design for industrial and commercial systems and the municipal and residential infrastructure.” Patterson, who is the technical director for the Plastics Pipe Institute, will be presenting her whitepaper, “Be in the Know on Quality Pipe”, on Wednesday, April 17 at 9:00 a.m. “There will be many excellent presentations from industry leaders ranging from how to properly design a thermoplastic pipeline to discussions about the latest trends in composite pipe, that there is a lot of value for everyone who attends.”
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