MCAA: Bulletin warns of faulty steel pipe

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NCPWB Technical Bulletin Warns of Faults in Steel Pipe, Fittings, Flanges During Testing

Failures in seamless carbon steel pipe, fittings and flanges during hydrostatic testing was announced in a Technical Bulletin just released by the National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau (NCPWB). The failures result from changes in steelmaking practices by certain mills over the last five years. The Bulletin recommends that, except when the piping system hydrostatic test pressure is less than 20% of the code maximum allowable pressure, contractors should include a requirement in their purchase orders that seamless carbon steel pipe, fittings and flanges have a manganese-to-carbon ratio of 5:1 or greater and a grain size of 7 or finer to avoid such failures. Click on the link below for all the details.

Source: MCAA

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