How Does a Heat Pump Water Heater Work?

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A. O. Smith Infographic Explains Heat Pump Water Heaters by Highlighting New Energy-Efficient Voltex® Hybrid Electric Water Heater

ASHLAND CITY, Tenn. (Jan. 28, 2014) – Leading water heater manufacturer A. O. Smith ( has released an infographic showing how heat pump water heaters achieve such high-energy efficiency.

The A. O. Smith graphic demystifies the inner workings of heat pumps using its new hybrid-electric Voltex® 50-Gallon Heat Pump. Launched in November, the Voltex scores an incredible 2.75 Energy Factor, the most energy-efficient heat pump water heater on the market.

Compared to standard electric models, the A. O. Smith Voltex can save homeowners more than $350 a year in operating costs.

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