ASPE Executive Director/CEO Appointed EESCC Chapter Co-Chair
Chicago, Illinois (August 22, 2014) – Jim Kendzel, MPH, CAE, Executive Director/CEO of the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), has been appointed a Chapter Co-Chair for the second phase of the American National Standards Institute’s Energy Efficiency Standardization Coordination Collaborative (EESCC). During the first phase, the EESCC developed and published the Standardization Roadmap: Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment, and Phase Two will build on that effort by accelerating the development of needed standardization activities based on the 125 recommendations contained in the roadmap.
Alongside Co-Chair Stephanie Reiniche, Manager of Standards at ASHRAE, Kendzel will be responsible for leading Working Group (WG) 1: Building energy and water assessment and performance standards with the ultimate goal to communicate, coordinate, and connect energy-efficiency standardization activities in support of the EESCC’s Phase Two mission to close standardization gaps, educate decision-makers and stakeholders, and influence international standards discussions. Kendzel was identified for this role due to his expertise, commitment to moving water- and energy-efficiency initiatives forward, and previous involvement with the EESCC.
“I was honored to be part of the Phase One development process as a member of WG-1 and am so pleased with the group’s final product. ASPE and its membership are committed to constantly improving the efficiency of energy and water use, and the development of a standards roadmap is a valuable effort in which we were proud to participate,” Kendzel says. “We are blessed with a knowledgeable and diverse group of volunteers who serve on WG-1, so I am highly confident that we will exceed expectations in our efforts to complete our goals under Phase Two.”
The EESCC provides a unique forum for stakeholders from industry, federal agencies, standards and code developing organizations, energy and water efficiency-focused organizations, educational institutions, and other groups to discuss, coordinate, and connect energy-efficiency standardization activities. Moving forward, the EESCC will seek action on the Standardization Roadmap’s recommendations and help facilitate the development and deployment of standards projects that advance energy- and water-efficiency in the built environment.
For more information about the EESCC and membership, visit or contact
ASPE is the only professional organization devoted to the training and certification of plumbing engineers and designers. ASPE and its 6,000 worldwide members are dedicated to protecting the health, welfare, and safety of the public through the dissemination of technical data and information to expand the base of knowledge among plumbing engineers, designers, contractors, code officials, inspectors, and manufacturers. For more information, visit
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