The ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Keynotes MCAA

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Everyone is talking about the movie and its subject, Jordan Belfort—and you’ll have a chance to hear him tell his tale of excess, corruption, conviction and redemption at MCAA 2014 (March 9-13, Scottsdale, AZ).  Belfort built a stock brokerage operation (Stratton Oakmont) that employed over 1,000 stockbrokers and accrued over $1.5 billion in capital.  At his peak, he earned over $50 million a year before the Securities and Exchange Commission ended Stratton Oakmont’s “pump and dump” operation when its clients started filing complaints. Belfort lost everything—his fortune, his family and his freedom.

At MCAA 2014, he’ll share his proprietary Straight Line System, which empowers anyone to build massive wealth and entrepreneurial success without sacrificing their integrity or ethics.  And, if you want to know more about Belfort’s amazing story, check out the film, The Wolf of Wall Street, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, which came out on Christmas Day or visit CNN’s showbiz site for home movies from his prior life. Belfort’s session is just one of many exceptional events that will inform, inspire and motivate you at MCAA 2014, so check out the program and then register at

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