SunTouch SunStat® floor heating thermostats

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SunStat3GroupHighResSunTouch has introduced a new line of SunStat floor-heating thermostats for controlling underfloor electric heating systems. Easily integrated into home automation systems, these new state-of-the-art electric heating controls now allow flexible control options, including convenient access from remote locations.

With its SunStat Core, Command, and Connect models, SunTouch provides a full range of easy-to-install controls for all floor-heating systems. The new SunStat Core model is a non-programmable control geared for maintaining consistent, yet adjustable, heat settings. The Command thermostat features an intuitive touchscreen for managing heat parameters, while the advanced SunStat Connect option contains a built-in WiFi module for anywhere, anytime accessibility via a mobile app.

Electric floor heating has become a sensible alternative to traditional, labor-intensive baseboard heaters located in residential and commercial environments. SunStat thermostats can control an electric floor heating system by monitoring both air and floor temperatures. Each model can be connected to a relay to expand the heating area and includes a built-in GFCI device for added protection.

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