NORA Technical Workshop — 9/14/16

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On Sept. 14th, the National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA) will hold a Technical Workshop in Newport, Rhode Island in conjunction with the Southern New England Energy Conference*.
This is the first NORA Technical Meeting following their reauthorization and it is a great opportunity to share detailed information on the latest results of the NORA research projects and other technical developments.

Major topics planned for the Workshop include: biofuelsfuel quality,combustion/burners and efficient systems and controls.

At present, two German research organizations have committed to participation with technical presentations on recent developments there.

Proceedings will be published and speakers will need to submit at least a short paper. At present, NORA is fully open to presentation proposals. For additional information contact Dr. Tom Butcher at

Those interested in presenting a paper at the workshop should submit an abstract as soon as possible by email to Tom Butcher. Presentations proposals will no longer be accepted when all slots are filled.

The Conference venue is the Hotel Viking, 1 Bellevue Ave., Newport, R.I.  Rooms will be $239 per night. They will be reserved at 800-556-7126 and reservations should be made by August 14, 2016.

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