Groundbreaking Information for Data Center Energy Efficiency Guidance

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Atlanta — Four new data center classes that can enable fulltime economizers for a number of applications in many climates are contained in the latest edition of the principal book in the ASHRAE Datacom Series of publications.

Since its first edition in 2004, ASHRAE’s “Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environments,” published by ASHRAE’s Technical Committee (TC) 9.9, Mission Critical Facilities, Technology Spaces and Electronic Equipment, has become the de-facto reference material for unbiased and vendor-neutral information on the design and operational parameters for the entire datacom (data centers and telecommunications) industry.

Based on the latest information from major IT equipment manufacturers, which are an integral part of the committee, it has never been easier to obtain the most meaningful data to guide data center designers and operations staff to design and run their facilities in the most energy efficient manner possible, including how to operate in a completely “chilllerless” environment. Further, the guidance enables a more energy efficient operation without compromising the reliability or “mission” of the data center.

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