Eemax SpecAdvantage with PHD electric tankless

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Screen Shot 2014-08-26 at 12.55.21 PMThe Eemax SpecAdvantage with PHD electric tankless water heater is a perfect fit for a wide variety of applications. Waste water treatment plants, commercial kitchens, wash downs, mop sinks, gang showers, are just a few examples where a SpecAdvantage could be deployed. Eemax’s unique direct heating technology combined with a parabolic heating design will allow this heavy duty electric tankless water heaters to heat your water faster and with a proven 99% energy efficiency. Active energy management, an integrated high capacity flow meter, and a visual user interface are a few features that give this unit superior control over energy efficiency. The SpecAdvantage can be equipped with Nema 4, Nema 4x, Freeze Protection and has a 150PSI pressure rating. SpecAdvantage is the latest innovation in proven performance from the proven experts at Eemax.

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